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Medicinal castor oils

Ref produit (SKU) : 1106-02066-7d05f7 Cheveux
Selling price : MAD48.10
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Benefits of castor oil for hair:

Castor oil is extracted from castor seeds, and it is a heavy and concentrated oil, and it has several types. If the purpose is to use castor oil specifically for hair, the appropriate type of it should be used

Castor oil has many benefits for hair, here are the most important ones:

Promote hair growth and stimulate hair growth again, especially in empty areas of hair, especially when massaging the scalp well and regularly.

Treating scalp infections and its various diseases, such as: dandruff and itching.

Protecting hair from premature graying.

Restore lost moisture to hair and treat dry, brittle hair.

Reducing hair breakage.

Treating hair loss and strengthening hair follicles and roots.

Hair intensify.

Protecting the hair from any damage that may result from various external factors, such as: wind and sunlight.

Add a lovely shine to the hair.

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