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Medicinal oils made from sweet almond

Ref produit (SKU) : 1106-02068-409da3 Visage
Selling price : MAD46.80
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Sweet almond oil:

It is an essential oil extracted from the kernel of almonds, and this concentrated oil, according to a report by the site "Organicfacts", is full of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. This oil also contains high levels of fatty acids, and has been used for over centuries to treat skin conditions, namely eczema. and psoriasis.

Sweet almond oil is known to heal superficial skin burns, increase collagen production, keep the skin supple and moisturized, and protect against potential damage caused by harmful UV rays. Because of its rich source of minerals, it can relieve muscle pain and get rid of toxins in the skin. As well as promoting the growth of thick, soft and shiny hair.

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