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The slimming belt helps tighten the abdominal muscles

Ref produit (SKU) : 3603-08827-b46452 Sport & Loisir
Selling price : MAD70.00
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The abdominal belt helps women and men achieve a beautiful and harmonious body. She is free from annoying sagging abdomens that cause a psychological complex in some. It tightens the abdomen and includes the whole area and suggests a flat and taut abdomen. It is a hidden belt that does not appear to others because it is worn under outer clothing. It helps burn fat and lose weight gradually. Wearing the belt supports the back and spinal region, helping to correct skeletal distortion, improve posture, and relieve chronic back and spinal pain. gives a person a more elegant appearance; Therefore, a person is allowed to wear tight clothes with comfort and ease, without having to buy new loose clothes, But it is necessary to exercise to restore the natural shape of the body and not to rely entirely on the belt. The abdominal belt is particularly useful for women after childbirth, because it masks the sagging that usually appears after childbirth following the return to normal of the woman's weight, whether after a natural birth or a cesarean section. Returns the uterus to its normal position before birth. Reduces water retention in women during and childbirth. It helps the woman to sit in a proper position during the process of breastfeeding the child. It boosts women's self-confidence and lifts their spirits when they appear in consistent shape, improving their overall performance and relationships with others.

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