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Medicinal oils made from aloe

Ref produit (SKU) : 1106-02070-18a1ab Cheveux
Selling price : MAD45.00
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Aloe vera is a succulent plant that contains many amazing medicinal properties. It is a short-stemmed shrub with long green leaves. These leaves contain a gelatinous substance consisting mainly of water.

Aloe vera has been an integral part of beauty regimens across cultures for thousands of years. Many people use aloe vera oil for its nutrient-rich composition. This natural, vitamin-rich oil has many amazing health and beauty benefits.

Aloe vera oil is made by soaking aloe vera leaves or plant-based gels in a carrier oil, which extracts several active ingredients and nutrients. In this article, learn about the benefits of aloe vera oil, how to get it, and its multiple uses.

Aloe vera oil has many properties that give hair great health benefits, as follows:

Soothes itchy scalp caused by dandruff. Dandruff is mostly caused by seborrheic dermatitis, which causes irritation and itching of the scalp. Aloe vera oil helps a lot in treating the symptoms of itchy scalp and flaky skin.

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