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Support and Support Immediately corrects your back and shoulder posture

Ref produit (SKU) : 0259-07708-61c10d Beauté & santé
Selling price : MAD37.00
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Try the comfort of the innovative Royal Posture harness, a revolutionary band that will help you correct bad posture.Suitable for both men and women. This belt will provide better back support and correct possible posture defects. Thanks to the Royal Posture, you will be able to solve all the problems related to posture, such as neck pain and muscle pain. With this posture correction belt , you will straighten your shoulders and back, which will be perfectly aligned with your neck and spine. Royal posture is comfortable to wear and not bulky. You can use it in any season.You can wear the band as and when you want: it will not be noticed under your clothes.Discover the Royal posture to correct your posture and free yourself from annoying back problems.Adjustable, it adapts to different sizes.

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