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Medicinal oils based on glycerin

Ref produit (SKU) : 1106-02073-86b050 Visage
Selling price : MAD33.00
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Benefits of glycerin oil for the face and skin:

By using glycerin oil for the face and skin, you get many health and aesthetic benefits, so here is a list of the most important benefits of glycerin oil for the face and skin:

Slowing the pace of skin aging: Glycerin oil helps provide the skin with the moisture it needs to remain young and supple, thus delaying and fighting the signs of skin aging.

Increase the smoothness and elasticity of the skin: Due to the ability of glycerin oil to absorb moisture from the surrounding air, applying it to the skin may help to keep the skin smooth and hydrated at all times.

Accelerate wound healing: It has been found that glycerin has a potential ability to reduce and fight infections, and therefore applying it topically to wounds may help speed up their healing.

Protecting the skin from harmful external substances and factors: Due to the ability of glycerin to deeply moisturize the skin, its regular use may help protect the skin from harmful substances found in some cosmetics, and may also help protect the skin from sunlight.

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