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Medicinal oils made from bitter almond

Ref produit (SKU) : 1106-02072-c3ce3b Visage
Selling price : MAD33.00
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Benefits of bitter almond oil for the face:

Chinese practices have used bitter almond oil since ancient times to soothe and soften the skin and treat light wounds. In our time, the presence of almond oil in cosmetics has become a common thing. Let us take a look in this article on the most prominent benefits of bitter almond oil for the face:

Benefits of bitter almond oil for the face

In addition to the benefits of bitter almond oil as an antibacterial and antibacterial, there are many benefits of bitter almond oil for the skin, the most prominent of which are:

Reducing puffiness and under-eye circles

Bitter almond oil helps reduce puffiness and under-eye circles, due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Dry skin treatment

Almond oil began to be used in ancient times to treat dry skin and some skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis.

Reducing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin

According to a 2016 study, almond oil may be an effective treatment in preventing and reducing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

Reducing the appearance of scars on the skin

Bitter almond oil was used in ancient Chinese medicine for its ability to reduce scarring.

Skin smoothing

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