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Medicinal avocado oils

Ref produit (SKU) : 1106-02069-b49cb5 Visage
Selling price : MAD45.00
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Avocado oil is one of the best natural materials that offer many benefits to the skin. That is why we find it as an ingredient in many skin care products, especially those that give it moisture and super softness. Avocado oil can be applied directly to the skin, massaged with it, or mixed with a product. But it is not recommended to use it frequently for people with oily skin; Due to the high amount of fat it contains, which gives a high percentage of moisture to the skin, which they are often indispensable for.[1] Nutrients of avocado oil: Avocado contains many nutrients that give it the ability to give the skin the desired care and beauty. In the following points, an explanation of some of these substances:[2] Protein. potassium; Vitamins A, E, K, B6, C. fibres. folate; Iron. magnesium. Phosphorous. copper; Unsaturated fats such as omega-3 fatty acid. Benefits of avocado oil for the skin Avocado oil offers many wonderful benefits for the skin, and some of them are: [3] It nourishes the skin. It helps moisturize the skin effectively and treats the problem of dry skin. Relieves skin infections caused by eczema and psoriasis. Protects the skin from infections, or irritations caused by acne. Treats and prevents acne. It helps to speed up the healing process of wounds that affect the skin; This is due to its content of oleic acid and other essential fatty acids. It gets rid of sunburn that affects the skin; This is because it contains protein, vitamins E and D, and a lot of essential fatty acids. Reduces the appearance of signs of aging. Helps protect and strengthen the skin around the nails.

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