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Cordyceps Capsule 60*s

Ref produit (SKU) : 3525-02808-c3989c Compléments alimentaire

Benefits of Cordyceps

Improving the functions of the respiratory system and relieving it of health problems such as chronic pneumonia, chest crisis, asthma and heart rhythm regulation.

Improve liver function and help in cases of hepatitis B type as well as cirrhosis.

Improve kidney function and help get rid of chronic diseases.

Enhancing physical energy and reducing the feeling of fatigue, which makes it very useful for athletes and people with hard professions.

Reducing cholesterol levels by 10-21%, reducing triglycerides by 9-26%, and increasing good cholesterol by 27-30%.

It is very effective in reducing the accelerated heartbeat of organic origin, by 94%, without any side effects, in addition to being effective in treating more than 200 diseases.

Treatment of chronic kidney problems, cases of functional kidney disease or recurrent kidney infections, nephropathy, and it has a diuretic effect.

Tonic and stimulant for the dormant immune system, as in the cases of radiation and chemotherapy for cancer patients,

It also increases the number of blood cells and increases the percentage of plasma in the blood

It reduces the side effects of some medications that cause lethargy and fatigue in the body.

  It provides the body with great benefits when a person ages, suffers from a disease, weak nerves, rheumatoid disease, sagging skin in certain parts of the body, or weakness in the motor system around the various joints of the body.

It is effective in reducing the proportion of fats in the blood, and prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis, and protects the coronary arteries from blockage, as well as preserves the arteries of the brain from such fluctuations, and it is a powerful antioxidant.

  It helps the elderly to strengthen their immune system, and thus strengthens the body's defenses against various diseases, and eating doses of larvae mushrooms at close times, would prevent aging in the elderly.

Perhaps one of the most important causes of aging is the severe lack of secretion of sexual hormones within the body, and therefore eating caterpillar mushrooms urges the body to secrete such hormones.

The second factor causing aging is the body's secretion of the monoamine oxidize enzyme, and accordingly the larval fungus inhibits the action of this enzyme, and thus limits one of the factors that move the body towards aging.

  After eating mushrooms for 3 weeks, one can feel a tangible improvement and positive progress in public health. As for eating mushrooms for longer periods than that, there is no doubt that many physical troubles and various diseases will disappear on the road during treatment with that mushroom.

A powerful antioxidant, as it prevents the oxidation of important fats in the blood and prevents the formation of cholesterol in the arteries of the important organs of the body

  Like the heart, and the brain, it also reduces bad cholesterol levels in the body, LDL.

Raises the levels of vitality and activity in the body.

Useful for treating cases of hepatitis type (B). The results of treatment with this mushroom begin to appear after 3 months of eating it at a rate of 1 gm 3 times a day, for a period of three months.

Researchers have also noted that cordyceps has an effect on blood sugar and may be beneficial for people with insulin resistance.

  In one Chinese study, 95% of people treated with 3 grams of cordyceps per day showed improved blood sugar profiles, compared to 54% of people treated with others.

  Many scientific studies have confirmed that eating cordyceps is beneficial in cases of lupus erythematosus.

As it reduces the excretion of albuminous protein with the urine, and it also improves the characteristics of kidney functions affected by the disease.

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