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ID : 94E1CDB6

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Ref produit (SKU) : 0965-14826-21cc0f Home
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Selling price : MAD130.00
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Large screen HD of 2.09 pouces: Enjoy a clearer experience and live on the screen of the intelligent computer on your T10 Ultra 2.

49 mm display: The T10 Ultra 2's intelligent display is available in an elegant tail and a 49 mm display, perfect for those who feel a pleasant sensation.

Apps Bluetooth: pass and receive the apps directly to your device with the intelligent T10 Ultra 2.

Surveillance of the home: Check your customs and the quality of your home better than the T10 Ultra 2 intelligent surveillance function.

Additional color screens: Choose a variety of color screens to personalize your intelligent T10 Ultra 2 in your style function.

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